March 8th 2016.
I have a wish. I would like to see more women and men empowered by knowing that parental competence adds value at work.
I wish more employers showing they know.
It is a simple and universal fact. It is nothing new. Yet many employers don’t realize where a large amount of the company competence is developed. They don’t see the ROI (Return On Investment) by supporting employed parents, why should they invest in PAID parental leave for ex? The ROI they get back is a long list of competences needed in modern leadership and successful companies, like employees constantly training delegation, prioritization, organization, becoming efficient and creative – often at the same time, in chaos and without much sleep… Knowing and showing the company value with parenthood gives more motivated and loyal employees, and it becomes easier to attract and keep the competence needed.
I wish to meet less of the stories below during the coming years…